Municipal Court Proceedings Moving Back To City Hall

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

Proceedings of Dalton's Municipal Court will be moving back to Dalton City Hall starting on Wednesday, July 10th. Court proceedings previously had been held in the City Hall Council Chamber from 2018 until 2022 when they were moved for a period of two years to the Dalton Convention Center. 

Court proceedings are also moving to a different day of the week. Instead of Monday, arraignments in the Municipal Court will now take place on Wednesdays beginning at 8:30 am. There will be no court proceedings on the third Wednesday of each month. Trials will be conducted on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, also in the Council Chamber at City Hall. The current schedules for both arraignment dates and trial dates for the remainder of the year can be downloaded below.

"Holding Municipal Court sessions in City Hall just makes sense. It says the taxpayers thousands of dollars a year. It allows the clerks and court staff and IT to have court ready with the resources at their fingertips," said Municipal Court Judge Rob Cowan. "We look forward to returning to City Hall and will continue to provide the same quality service to those who find themselves before the court."

The final court proceedings at the Convention Center took place on Monday morning. There will be no court next week due to the Independence Day holiday which will give court staff additional time to prepare for the transition to the new court location. 

Anyone with questions about an upcoming court date or the status of a case before the Municipal Court can contact court staff at 706-278-1913 extension 101.