City Offering COVID-19 Vaccines Feb 3rd, Feb 4th (con información en español)
UPDATE (2/2/21) - All appointments have been filled.
The City of Dalton and Whitfield County will be operating a satellite drive-through COVID-19 vaccination site on Wednesday, February 3rd and Thursday, February 4th. Vaccinations will be made by appointment only to Georgia residents in the following groups: those ages 65 and older and their immediate caretakers, first responders, and healthcare workers. The drive-through site will be set up at the Dalton Convention Center at 2211 Dug Gap Battle Road. There is no charge for this vaccine. The drive-through site is a cooperative effort of the City of Dalton, Whitfield County, and the State Department of Health's North Georgia Health District.
Vaccinations will be given by appointment only on Wednesday, February 3rd and Thursday, February 4th. People without appointments will not be able to receive the vaccine. However, if more than one person traveling to the site together in the same vehicle each have confirmed appointments but were unable to sign up for the same time of day, they can be served at the same time.
Additional booking dates and times beyond these events will be announced when they are scheduled based on demand and vaccine availability.
The vaccinations will be made by trained and certified paramedics from the Dalton Fire Department and also volunteer nurses from the community. Support including traffic control and logistical support will be provided by the Dalton Police Department, Dalton Fire Department, and Whitfield County agencies.
Please do not call the Dalton Convention Center or other City departments for information about the vaccinations. The only way to sign up for appointments is online.