Certificate of Appropriateness
What is a Certificate of Appropriateness?
When planning a work project, an owner must submit a completed application for a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA). Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness may be procured from the City Government's Preservation official. You may contact the Building Inspector's office using the contact information to the right.
Deadline for application submittal is close of business ten days prior to the date of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission, the second Thursday each month. All applications are then presented by the applicants to the Historic Preservation Commission. After review by the Commission, a Certificate of Appropriateness will be issued stating approval or disapproval of proposed changes.
What Should an Application Include?
Support materials must accompany the completed application. Illustrations may include site plans, elevation, and floor plans drawn to a standard architectural scale, e.g. ¼ inch equals one foot, drawings and samples of materials, e.g. awnings, trim. Photographs of the building, site, and neighboring properties are also helpful. Support material may differ according to the type and size of the project. The application and support materials must be submitted at the same time. The Commission may request additional documentation to be included with the application.
The Commission may not make determinations regarding:
- Exterior paint colors
- Interior arrangements or design as long as these arrangements or designs do not visibly affect the exterior appearance of a building or structure.
No building permit within the historic district may be issued by the City Building Inspector until the project has been submitted to the Historic Preservation Commission and an approved Certificate of Appropriateness is issued. Work undertaken in the district without a Certificate of Appropriateness creates a legal risk of fines and/or having to reverse any work done for failure to follow proper procedures. Work undertaken that is not done in accordance with an approved Certificate of Appropriateness shall be treated the same as work done without an approved COA. If work is initiated prior to approval of a COA application or to obtaining a building permit, a cease and desist order may be issued.