City Code Notes - Pulling Your Garbage Cans Back From The Curb

Friday, January 24th, 2025

From time to time, Dalton's Code Enforcement Unit highlights aspects of the City's Code of Ordinances that residents might not know about. Today, we're taking a look at garbage cans and recycling bins and when they should be put out or taken back in

Whether you do it yourself or if you're fortunate enough to have a teenager in your life who does it for you (after being reminded a few times), taking out the garbage and recycling is one of the weekly chores on just about everyone's "to do" list. However, having empty garbage cans sitting on the curb for days after pickup (or having full cans too far in advance) can create an eyesore for neighbors and is a common complaint received by Dalton's Code Enforcement Unit. The City's Code of Ordinances does have specific rules for the curbside collection of garbage and recycling. 

Caption: City-owned garbage cans placed on the curb while waiting for collection

Garbage cans and recycling bins cannot be put out any sooner than 5:00 pm the day before collection and they must be taken back from the curb before midnight after collection. Section 94-26 (b) of the Code of Ordinances says that "it shall be unlawful for the owner of the property to which any such garbage or recycling container is assigned to allow such garbage or recycling container to remain on the curbside later than midnight on the day of collection or to deposit such garbage or recycling container on the curbside of the property earlier than 5:00 p.m. of the day immediately preceding the next scheduled pickup."

Section 94-26 (b) goes on to say that garbage cans and recycling bins must be stored by residents in a place where they can't be seen from the curbside when they are not in use at the curb. 

For more information about policies for garbage, recycling, yard debris, and refuse collection, click here to visit the Public Works Department's Garbage Policy page.