Pickleball Courts Now Open After Ribbon Cutting
You may not have heard of "pickleball" but there's a good chance your kids have. The game with the funny name is one of the fastest-growing sports in the country, and the City of Dalton is jumping in with a new facility for the game at Brookwood Park. Six new pickleball courts were officially dedicated on Thursday, August 6th on the former site of tennis courts at the park.
Pickleball most closely resembles tennis, but it also combines elements of badminton and ping pong. It’s played on a 44’ by 20’ court divided by a low center net. The game can be played by single players or by teams of two players. Players serve underhanded and each side must let the ball bounce on their side of the court once before an air volley can begin. Hit the ball out of bounds, into the net, or allow it to bounce twice on your side and you lose the volley. There’s a center area near the net where players aren’t allowed to step that’s referred to as “the kitchen.” If that sounds confusing, there are videos and instructions available at playpickleball.com that can quickly get players ready for their first game.
Legendary Dalton State basketball coach Melvyn Ottinger helped Parks and Recreation Director Mike Miller cut the ribbon for the new courts along with tennis director Michel Bates and Dalton High tennis coach Joey Willis. Bates and Willis have been designated as "ambassadors" for the game in our area.
The courts at Brookwood Park are now open, and there are also indoor pickleball courts at the Mack Gaston Community Center.