Internet/Intranet Browser(s)
- The Internet is to be used to further the City's mission, to provide effective service of the highest quality to the City's customers and staff, and to support other direct job-related purposes.
- Department Heads have the discretion to work with employees to determine the appropriateness of using the Internet for professional or personal activities.
- The various modes of Internet/Intranet access are City resources and are provided as business tools to employees who may use them for research, professional development, and work-related communications.
- Employees are individually liable for any and all damages incurred as a result of violating City security policy, copyright, and licensing agreements.
- All City policies and procedures apply to employees' conduct on the Internet, especially, but not exclusively, relating to: intellectual property, confidentiality, City information dissemination, standards of conduct, misuse of City resources, anti-harassment, and information and data security.
- Employees should not bring personal computers to the workplace or connect them to City electronic systems unless expressly permitted to do so by the City.
- Violation of this policy, or failure to permit an inspection of any device covered by this policy, shall result in disciplinary action, up to and possibly including immediate termination of employment. In addition, the employee may face both civil and criminal liability from the City or from individuals whose rights are harmed by the violation.
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