January 6th Mayor and Council Meeting Notes

Tuesday, January 7th, 2024

The Dalton Mayor and Council held their first meeting of the new year on Monday night. The Council celebrated the achievements of two state champion soccer teams from the Dalton Parks and Recreation Department and also started the ball rolling again on a planned pickleball complex among other agenda items. 

Caption: The Mayor and Council posed with the members of the 12-and-Under State Soccer Champions from Dalton Parks and Rec

Mayor Annalee Sams welcomed the 12-and-Under and 10-and-Under All-Star Boys Soccer Teams from the DPRD at the outset of Monday's meeting. Both teams recently won their respective state championships at the Georgia Recreation and Parks Association's state tournaments in December. Mayor Sams presented proclamations and certificates of recognition to each team member and coach. The teams then posed for pictures with Mayor Sams and the members of the City Council. Click here to watch video of the celebration. 

CLICK HERE to watch the video of Monday night's meeting

The Dalton Parks and Recreation Department's plans for a new pickleball complex to be built near the John Davis Recreation Center were dealt a setback last October when all of the contractor bids on the project came in over budget. After the bids were reviewed, DPRD leadership and a citizen committee steering the project agreed that the best course of action would be to redesign the project with changes that would make the complex more affordable to build within the City's budget. Parks Department leaders met with the project designer, Prime Engineering, to identify potential changes to the design. Monday night, Parks Director Steve Roberts presented a change order contract for the Mayor and Council's approval. The change order will pay the consultant $58,720 to make various value engineering revisions to the plans which will reduce the cost of building the facility. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the change order. Mayor Sams typically only votes in the event of a tie. To review the change order proposal, click here. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here to watch this portion of the meeting. 

The Council also heard the first reading of Ordinance 25-01 which was a request to annex the property at 1223 Covie Drive into the City of Dalton. The single family residential property is currently bordered by other City properties. The Dalton-Varnell-Whitfield County Planning Commission recommended the change as did planning commission staff. Click here to read the staff analysis of the annexation request. Click here to read Ordinance 25-01. The Council can take action on the ordinance after a second reading at a future meeting. Click here to watch this portion of the meeting. 

The Mayor and Council also voted to: 

  • Enact Ordinance 24-35, Rezoning 1112 Riverbend Drive -  The ordinance will rezone the tract of land at 1112 Riverbend Drive from heavy manufacturing (M-2) to rural residential (R-5). The rezoning request was made by Ed Staten. The property was originally developed for residential use and the rezoning would bring the parcel into conformity. Planning and Zoning Commission staff and members recommended the rezoning. To read the staff analysis, click here. To view a presentation on the rezoning, click here. To read the text of Ordinance 24-35, click here. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the rezoning. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Enact Ordinance 24-36, Amending The Unified Zoning Ordinance (UZO) - The change only affects the City of Varnell. Changes to the UZO must be approved by all of the different participating governments. The change sets a new, lower maximum building height for buildings zoned in the general commercial (C-2) zone. The change lowers the maximum height from 140 feet to 50 feet to preserve the special character of the Varnell commercial districts. The Planning and Zoning Commission staff and members recommended the change. To read the staff analysis, click here. To read the ordinance, click here. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the amendment. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Approve The Purchase Of Stormwater Drainage Easements - The temporary construction easement and permanent 20-foot stormwater drainage easement at 607 N. Elm Street is required as part of the North Glenwood Avenue Stormwater Improvements Project. The purchase from property owner H.C. Brooker & Sons will cost $25,100 as the fair market value appraisal. Click here to review the purchase agreement. Click here to review the drainage easement. The purchase is approximately $2,900 cheaper than the original cost estimate and is being paid for from the SPLOST funds for the project. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the easements. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Award The Construction Contract For Phase 3 Of The Walnut North Drainage Improvements Project - Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc. won the bid for the project, which is to construct the West Franklin Street and Valley Drive Stormwater Bypass System which is part of the overall project to reduce flooding concerns in the Murray Hill area north of Walnut Avenue. The contract cost is $2.191 million and is being paid out of the bonded capital projects fund. Click here to review contract documents. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the contract award.  To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Approve An Insurance Settlement For Building Damage - The insurance settlement from Arch Insurance Company pays the City $100,000 to repair storm damage to windows at the Old City Hall building at 114 N. Pentz Street. Click here to review the insurance settlement. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the settlement. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Approve Resolution 25-01 To Support Creation Of Community Improvement District (CID) - The resolution lends the City's support to the creation of a CID in Dalton. Article IX, Section VII of the Georgia Constitution authorizes the creation of a CID as a mechanism to fund certain government services, infrastructure, and other services. A CID can be used to revitalize a community and provide alternative funding for projects that benefit the community. A CID must first be approved by the Georgia General Assembly, and the resolution lends the support of the City government to that legislation. Believe Greater Dalton is currently working with a CID consultant to study the feasibility of creating a CID and the best geographic areas for such an initiative. For a CID to be created, consent signatures from commercial property owners representing at least 75% of commercial property within the proposed boundaries must be obtained. To read the resolution, click here. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Approve Board And Authority Appointments - Mayor Annalee Sams presented several candidates for appointment to City boards and authorities for approval of the City Council. Brenda Barrett was re-appointed to the Housing Authority for a one-year term. Nancy Hallsworth was appointed to fulfill the unexpired term of the late Rita Norville on the Tree Board which will expire December 31st, 2025. Patricia Edwards was appointed to fulfill the unexpired term of Will Ester on the Tree Board which expires December 31st, 2026. Chris Stearns, Ron Blaylock, and John Poehlman were all re-appointed to the Tree Board with terms that will expire December 31st, 2027. Allison Whittle was re-appointed to the Recreation Commission for a five-year term. Tommy Thompson was appointed to succeed Jackie Killings on the Water, Light & Sinking Commission for a five-year term. Mayor Sams was re-appointed to the Public Safety Commission to serve another one-year term. Mike Kinsey was re-appointed to the Trade Center Authority for a one-year term. Margaret Zeisig was appointed to fulfill the unexpired term of Ann Compton on the Library Board which expires in March 2026. To view the list of board and authority appointments, click here, and to view the list of Council appointments to boards and commissions, click here. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the appointments. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 


Mayor Sams closed Monday's meeting with an announcment that the Council will meet again on Tuesday, January 20th at 6:00 pm instead of the typical meeting day on Monday, January 19th which was cancelled in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.