December 2nd Mayor and Council Meeting Notes

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024

The Dalton Mayor and Council met Monday night for their first of two regularly scheduled meetings in December. The highlight of the meeting was the second reading and adoption of the City's 2025 budget. The Council voted unanimously 4-0 to adopt a revised version of the budget. Mayor Annalee Sams typically only votes in the event of a tie. Councilmember Dennis Mock participated in the meeting via videoconference. 

CLICK HERE to watch Monday night's meeting on the City of Dalton YouTube channel

The first reading of the proposed 2025 budget for the City's General Fund, Special Revenue Fund, Debt Service Fund, and Capital Projects Fund was held during the Council's meeting on November 18th. That version of the budget included projected revenues that would have necessitated a 7% increase in property taxes in 2025. After a request from Councilmember Steve Farrow, the City's Finance staff prepared a revised version of the budget with revenue projections from other sources that will balance the budget without the expected need for a property tax millage rate increase. Those revenue enhancements include, among others, rent for the third floor of City Hall from the Dalton Public Schools which originally expected to vacate the building midway through 2025 but will now instead be occupying the space through the year. You can review the budget document by clicking here. You can watch this portion of the meeting by clicking here

During Monday night's meeting, the Mayor and Council also voted to: 

  • Approve Ordinance 24-34 To Close Gravely Street and Erwin Street - A home at the dead end of Belton Avenue was inadvertently constructed on the right of way for Gravely Street, which was mapped out by the City but never constructed. The owner of the property requested that portion of Gravely Street be closed and abandoned to clean up the title for the property. The request then evolved into a request of other property owners for the closing of greater sections of Gravely Street and Erwin Street, both of which were never improved with roads by the City. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the request. To read Ordinance 24-34 which closes those roads, click here. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Approve Resolution 24-19 to transfer land from Dalton Utilities to the Dalton Housing Authority - Dalton Utilities operates a sewer lift station on City property near the intersection of Underwood Street and Rushmore Drive. That land is adjacent to Dalton Housing Authority properties that have inadequate parking. The Housing Authority requested to have a portion of the land for parking and access. The Council voted 4-0 to transfer the property to the Housing Authority. To read the resolution, click here. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Approve A Change Order To A Pipe Maintenance Contract - The Dalton Public Works Department requested the change to the original bid form for the Level 1-A Pipe Lining Project to revise the pipe sizes. The contractor, Federal EC, found discrepancies in the original contract from measured dimensions for the pipes. The change adds an additional cost of $50,676 to the contract. Despite the change, the project remains under budget as the contractor's original bid was below the project budget amount. To read the change order document, click here. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Approve A Contract For Decorative Traffic Signal Poles, Mast Arms, and Luminaries - The contract for $163,415 with low bidder DOT Lighting, LLC is part of the Pentz Street/Cuyler Street Corridor Improvement Project which is more commonly known as the streetscape project. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the project. To review the contract documents, click here. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Reappoint Benny Dunn To The Dalton Airport Authority - The Airport Authority is a citizen board that oversees the operations of the Dalton Municipal Airport. Benny Dunn's five-year term will expire December 31st, 2029. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the reappointment. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 
  • Appoint Kevin Brunson To The Water, Light & Sinking Fund Commission - The Water, Light & Sinking Fund Commission is a citizen board that oversees the operation of Dalton Utilities. Brunson's appointment to the commission is to fulfill the unexpired term of Ken White which expires December 31st, 2028. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the appointment. To watch this portion of the meeting, click here. 

The Mayor and Council's next meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 16th at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chamber at City Hall. 

Click "Play" in the window below to watch Monday night's meeting