Request For Bids - Repairs To DFD Training Center Burn Building

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, September 1, 2023 - 3:00pm

The Dalton Fire Department is seeking sealed bids from qualified firms to perform repairs to our metal burn building at our Training Center located at 1024 Abutment Road Dalton, GA 30720. The City of Dalton reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

I.    Bids must be received by September 1, 2023 at 3:00PM.
II.    Bids must be delivered to (by mail or presented in person at Dalton City Hall):

City of Dalton
Attn: Finance Office
300 W. Waugh ST.
Dalton, GA 30720-4268
NOTE: The City of Dalton will not pay any shipping or additional postage for packages

III.    Bids must be sealed and marked:

“Burn Building Repair # DFD 2023-02”

IV.    Vendor Information:

  • A.    Product offered shall meet or exceed the detailed requirements listed                                                                   in the specifications. Bidders shall indicate exactly what they are offering in response to the requirements of the bid. If primary and specific requirements are not met, your bid may be rejected.  
  • B.    All parties submitting bids must be able to complete the City of Dalton Vendor Packet. Vendor information and vendor packets can be found on the city’s website, under “Policies and Forms” located in the Finance Department section.
  • C.    All bids submitted shall be subject to acceptance or rejection and the City of Dalton specifically reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any technicalities and formalities in the bidding.
  • D.    Bidder shall submit all required forms and information simultaneously with sealed bids, which forms and information become a part of the property of the City of Dalton and will not be returned to bidders unless a written request to withdraw is received prior to September 1, 2023 @ 12:00PM.
  • E.    Any bids received thereafter will not be considered.
  • F.    Bids will be opened and read at the City of Dalton Finance Department located at 300 W. Waugh St. on Tuesday September 5, 2023 @ 2:00PM.
  • G.    Unless stated on the bid form, the bid submitted will assume all specifications will be met. Please note on the bid form all exceptions.
  • H.    The purchaser may consider as non-responsive, any bid in which there is an alteration of, or departure from the bid form hereto attached.

V.    Questions:

For any questions please direct to the following contact

Deputy Chief Mike Russell
    Phone: 706-278-7363 ext.223

For complete bid specifications and instructions, download the Bid Packet below.