Historic Preservation Projects Receive Recognition
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023
The month of May is Historic Preservation Month, and on Monday night the Dalton Mayor and Council kicked off the observance by presenting two awards for outstanding historic preservation projects. Both projects were completed to preserve the historic character of buildings on Hamilton Street in downtown Dalton.
Mayor David Pennington opened the meeting of the City Council with the reading of a proclamation of Historic Preservation Month in Dalton. The proclamation praised Dalton's local Historic Preservation Commission for its work to safeguard our local historic treasures for future generations. The preservation of historic landmarks not only helps to the story of greater Dalton, but it also can serve as a draw for tourism and the economic development that it can bring. Mayor Pennington presented the proclamation to Kathryn Sellers, a longtime champion of historic preservation efforts in Dalton.
Caption: Mayor David Pennington (right) presents a proclamation declaring Historic Preservation Month in Dalton to Kathryn Sellers who accepted on behalf of the Historic Preservation Commission
Mayor Pennington then presented the 2022 Outstanding Preservation Projects honors to Caleb Carnes for his work on a renovation of 200 N. Hamilton Street and also Michelle Little and Kayla Dziuba for their work on a preservation project at 202 S. Hamilton Street.
Mayor Pennington's proclamation for Historic Preservation Month reads:
- WHEREAS, the National Trust for Historic Preservation established May as Historic Preservation Month in 1973, as a way to promote historic places for the purpose of instilling community pride, promoting heritage tourism, and showing the social and economic benefits of historic preservation; and
- WHEREAS, Historic Preservation helps maintain community character while enhancing livability and gives citizens a deeper understanding of their diverse heritage and a greater appreciation of our unique historic and natural resources; and
- WHEREAS, Historic Preservation is an effective tool to build awareness with the concerns of neighborhood history, the city’s heritage, and the economic benefits realized by initiating improvements and restoring a community to a thriving condition.
- NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, I, David Pennington, Mayor of the City of Dalton, Georgia hereby proclaim May 2023 as “HISTORIC PRESERVATION MONTH” and proudly recognize our local Historic Preservation Commission for their dedicated efforts so that historic resources in our city can be preserved for future generations.
Below: Caleb Carnes was presented an award for the 2022 Outstanding Preservation Project as were Michelle Little and Kayla Dziuba