City Hosting Nov. 9th Meeting On Dickson Acres/Huntington Road Stormwater Project
Friday, November 4th, 2022
The City of Dalton will host an informational meeting for residents in the Dickson Acres subdivision regarding an upcoming stormwater improvement project along Huntington Road. The meeting will be held at Dalton City Hall on Wednesday, November 9th at 6:00 pm and it will also be broadcast on the City's YouTube channel for those who are not able to attend the meeting in person.
In an effort ot mitigate flooding issues and as part of the City of Dalton's continual effort to address stormwater concerns, the Public Works Department has been working with the City's stormwater consultants at Arcadis to propose stormwater improvement projects at critical locations as part of our flood abatement plan. Improving the City's management of stormwater runoff and flood abatement is a critical part of the City's plans for our future. Wednesday's public information meeting will entail a general overview of the City's ongoing stormwater efforts as well as a detailed presentation on the subject property on Huntington Road for the Dickson Acres project. This public information meeting will provide an opportunity for residents to understand and visualize the City's plans to construct the stormwater project off of Huntington Road. Citizen involvement is a vital part of our planning process.
The live stream of the meeting will be available on the City's YouTube channel and the recording of the meeting will also be available there after its completion. There will be a link to the YouTube channel on the City's website while the meeting is being broadcast live.