A Labor Day Appreciation Post For Our Hospital Workers

A graph showing COVID admissions at Hamilton Medical Center

Labor Day! An enjoyable long weekend when we gather with family and friends to celebrate the contributions of all American workers with food and fun.

But let's pause this Labor Day and celebrate some special people. These people are our Hamilton Healthcare employees who, for the second time this year, are on the front lines caring for a surge of Covid-19 patients exceeding the January peak. 

AT RIGHT: A graphic showing the census at Hamilton Medical Center with COVID patients (does not include Labor Day weekend information)

We drive by the hospital and see a building, but that's not the real Hamilton. The heart of Hamilton is every person, whatever job they perform, walking in and facing yet another day of extraordinary challenge. 

Above: A graph showing the patient census at Hamilton Medical Center with patients in the ICU or on ventilators (click for larger version, does not include Labor Day weekend information)

Theirs is a labor of love. Along with the best medicine, they offer a caring touch, words of comfort and a hand to hold.

So on this Labor Day, we offer our gratitude, recognition and thanks to every Hamilton team member.