Request For Proposals - 40 Scott Air-Pak X3 Pro SCBAs 2018 Edition - Dalton Fire
The Dalton Fire Department is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide for purchase a minimum of forty (40) new Scott Air-Pak X3 Pro SCBA’s 2018 Edition. The City of Dalton reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
- Bids must be received by July 15, 2022 at 5:00PM.
- Bids must be delivered to (by mail or presented in person at Dalton City Hall
City of Dalton
Attn: Finance Office
300 W. Waugh ST.
Dalton, GA 30720-4268
NOTE: The City of Dalton will not pay any shipping or additional postage for packages
- Bids must be sealed and marked:
“Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus 2022”
For complete bid specifications and requirements, download the bid packet file below.
For any questions please direct to the following contact
Deputy Chief Mike Russell
Phone: 706-278-7363 ext.223