March 3rd Mayor and Council Meeting Notes
Monday, March 3rd, 2025
The Dalton Mayor and Council on Monday night held their first meeting of March. The agenda was heavy on zoning issues, with the first readings of seven ordinances which would amend the Unified Zoning Ordinance (UZO) if adopted. The Council also took action on a number of alcoholic beverage license applications and also paved the way for the removal of some abandoned signage on West Walnut Avenue.
Caption: City Councilmembers Dennis Mock, Nicky Lama, and Mayor Annalee Sams listen to a presentation during Monday night's meeting
CLICK HERE to watch the video of Monday night's meeting.
The meeting opened, however, on a brighter note. Dalton Fire Chief Matt Daniel took the podium during a period set aside for updates from department heads and read a brief speech in honor of Deputy Chief Mike Russell who will retire later this month after more than 40 years as a firefighter, 32 of which were as a member of the Dalton Fire Department. Chief Daniel noted that he had to mislead Russell in order to get him to the meeting because Russell does not seek recognition nor enjoy does he enjoy the spotlight.
"You lied!" Chief Russell called from the back of the room.
"(Chief Russell) is truly one of the best men that I've had the opportunity to work for and with," Chief Daniel said. "(He) has been a cornerstone of the fire department dedicating countless years of service ensuring the safety and well-being of our community. His unwavering commitment, exceptional leadership, and vision has shaped the direction of the fire department for years to come leaving an indelible legacy that will guide us forever."
You can click here to watch Chief Daniel's tribute to Mike Russell.
The Mayor and Council then heard three applications for alcoholic beverage licenses. The application for a new pouring beer, wine, and liquor license for the El Ranchito Mexican Restaurant which will be at 101 W. Walnut Avenue was approved by a unanimous 4-0 vote of the Council. Mayor Annalee Sams typically only votes in the event of a tie.
The second two applications for alcohol licenses were both denied by a vote of the Council. The applications for pouring beer and liquor (bar) licenses for Rosa Negra Lounge at 323 N. Hamilton Street and the Dejavu Social Club at 224 N. Hamilton Street were both rejected after the Dalton Public Safety Commission recommended denial due to previous Sec. 6-107 disqualification. The applicant for both businesses, Manuel Alex Vital, had previously surrendered his alcohol licenses for the Taboo Lounge and Rosa Negra after a revocation hearing before the Public Safety Commission on multiple violations of the alcoholic beverage ordinance. You can click here to watch this portion of the meeting. You can click here to watch this portion of the meeting.
On Monday night, the Council voted to:
- Approve a demolition agreement and easement for signage at 1505 W. Walnut Avenue - The signage at the old Pizza Hut building on Walnut Avenue has been abandoned and is dilapidated and an eye sore. The property owner has agreed to allow the Public Works Department to demolish the sign and has agreed to repay the costs associated with the demolition. You can click here to review the demolition agreement. The Mayor and Council voted 4-0 in favor of the demolition agreement. You can click here to watch this portion of the meeting.
- Approve Resolution 25-02 For Municipal Property Disposition - In order to build a cell phone tower on land near Raisin Woods, Verizon Wireless needs a temporary non-exclusive access easement over a portion of the Raisin Woods property. The easement will remain in effect until such a time as the cell tower is no longer operational. You can review the text of the resolution and also the public notice of interest in real property by clicking here. The Council voted 4-0 in favor of the resolution. You can click here to watch this portion of the meeting.
- Make Mayoral Appointments To City Boards - The Council heard the Mayoral re-appointments of Mayor Sams and Councilmember Dennis Mock to the Land Bank Authority for a one-year term expiring December 31st and the re-appointment of Councilmember Steve Farrow to the Historic Preservation Commission for a one-year term expiring December 31st. Because these were Mayoral appointments they did not require a vote of the Council. You can watch this portion of the meeting by clicking here.
The Council also heard the first readings of seven ordinances regarding UZO amendments or rezoning requests. The ordinances reviewed were:
- Ordinance 25-02 to amend the Section 4-6-35 of the UZO for commercial poultry farming - The amendment to the UZO does not affect the City of Dalton and would only allow commercial poultry farming in the unincorporated parts of Whitfield County. The Dalton-Varnell-Whitfield County Planning Commission's staff analysis recommended approval of the amendment. The Planning Commission also voted to approve. You can read the review of the Planning Commission's public hearing by clicking here. You can read Ordinance 25-02 by clicking here. You can watch this portion of the meeting by clicking here.
- Ordinance 25-03 to rezone a tract at 436 S. Glenwood Avenue - The rezoning request by Elda Ramirez would rezone the tract from Rural Residential (R-5) to General Commercial (C-2). Ramirez wishes to sell the property with the option for commercial use. The Dalton-Varnell-Whitfield County Planning Commission's staff analysis recommended approval. The Planning Commission also voted to approve. Ethan Calhoun from the Planning Commission did recommend that the Council include a condition to include any commercial businesses at the property must meet minimum standards for parking. You can read the Planning Commission's staff analysis by clicking here. You can read the review of the public hearing by clicking here. You can read the ordinance by clicking here. You can watch this portion of the meeting by clicking here.
- Ordinance 25-04 to rezone a tract of land at 909 Riverbend Road - The rezoning request by Juan Figueroa would rezone the tract from Heavy Manufacturing (M-2) to Transitional Residential (R-6). The property is too small for heavy manufacturing and the property owner wants to build a residential tri-plex on the property. The Dalton-Varnell-Whitfield County Planning Commission's staff analysis recommended approval. The Planning Commission also voted to approve. You can read the Planning Commission's staff analysis by clicking here. You can read the review of the public hearing by clicking here. You can read the ordinance by clicking here. You can watch this portion of the meeting by clicking here.
- Ordinance 25-05 to rezone a tract of land near Water Street - The rezoning request, also by Juan Figueroa, would rezone the tract from Heavy Manufacturing (M-2) to Rural Residential (R-5). Figueroa proposes to have five lots on the property to contain a mix of single-family homes. The Dalton-Varnell-Whitfield County Planning Commission's staff analysis recommended approval. The Planning Commission also voted to approve. You can read the Planning Commission's staff analysis by clicking here. You can read the review of the public hearing by clicking here. You can read the ordinance by clicking here. You can watch this portion of the meeting by clicking here.
- Ordinance 25-06 to rezone a tract of land at 400 S. Hamilton Street - The rezoning request by Jason Jackson would rezone the tract from Transitional Commercial (C-4) to Central Business District (C-3). Jackson intends to replace old commercial trailers on the property with a permanent structure. The Dalton-Varnell-Whitfield County Planning Commission's staff analysis recommended approval. The Planning Commission also voted to approve with a condition that any vehicles being worked on at the facility be stored on the property out of view of the street and not in street parking. You can read the Planning Commission's staff analysis by clicking here. You can read the review of the public hearing by clicking here. You can read the ordinance by clicking here. You can watch this portion of the meeting by clicking here.
- Ordinance 25-07 to rezone a tract of land near Cargal Drive - The rezoning request by Preferred Tufters would rezone the tract from Heavy Manufacturing (M-2) to Rural Residential (R-5). The owners say there is a lack of commercial or industrial development potential for the property and believe that the proposed residential rezoning would be a better fit with the neighborhood. The Dalton-Varnell-Whitfield County Planning Commission's staff analysis recommended approval. The Planning Commission also voted to approve. You can read the Planning Commission's staff analysis by clicking here. You can read the review of the public hearing by clicking here. You can read the ordinance by clicking here. You can watch this portion of the meeting by clicking here.
- Ordinance 25-08 to rezone a tract of land at 404 W. Hawthorne Street - The rezoning request by Don W. Adcock would rezone the tract from Limited Commercial (C-1) to Medium Density Single Family Residential (R-3). Don Adcock indicated that he intends to rent the property as a residential dwelling due to a lack of commercial interest. The Dalton-Varnell-Whitfield County Planning Commission's staff analysis recommended approval. The Planning Commission also voted to approve. You can read the Planning Commission's staff analysis by clicking here. You can read the review of the public hearing by clicking here. You can read the ordinance by clicking here. You can watch this portion of the meeting by clicking here.
Because each proposed ordinance was only being brought up for a first reading, the Mayor and Council could not vote on them. They will be brought up for a second reading and possible vote at a future Mayor and Council meeting. The Mayor and Council's next scheduled meeting is Monday, March 17th at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chamber at City Hall.
Click "Play" in the window below to watch Monday night's meeting