DWSWA Employees Score Big At Road-E-O

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

This wasn't their first Road-E-O. But it was certainly one of their best.

Two employees from the Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority (DWSWA) scored top finishes last week at an annual statewide competition that promotes safe operation of heavy equipment. 

The annual Georgia Chapter of SWANA (Solid Waste Association of North America) Road-E-O was held in Dublin, Georgia on May 4th. The event pits drivers from public and private solid waste management associations from across the state against each other in competitions involving several different types of heavy equipment. Each event features a timed obstacle course and also a written component. Participants lose points if their vehicles knock over traffic cones or fail other areas of the course.

At right: Harry Bentley (left) and McKenny Pittman (right) stand next to a piece of heavy equipment at the landfill complex Thursday

This year, three employees from Dalton-Whitfield County took part in the competition and two of them placed in multiple categories. Harry Bentley finished first in the Rubber Tire Loader competition while coworker McKenny Pittman finished second. Bentley also finished third in the Track-hoe/Excavator competition. Pittman brought home top honors in the Front-End Loader Truck competition. 

"This is a point of pride for us," said Dirk Verhoeff, the DWSWA director. "We have really good, really skilled employees and very safe employees. Employees aren't even eligible to complete in the event if they have any kind of traffic violations, moving violations, or incidents in the previous 12 months so this says a lot about their history with safety."